It is very much like the SEND + MORE = MONEY problem, but I thought it would be more interesting (=harder to solve). Nope, not at all.
OK, the problem is the following:
Find the digits E,V,D,I,T,A,L,K such that this equation holds: EVE/DID=.TALKTALKTALK...
EVE and DID are 2 numbers with 3 digits each, and .TALKTALKTALK... is a floating point number.
After exploiting the following property, the problem gets simpler:
0.TALKTALKTALK... = TALK/9999 (try it with a 4 digit number, if you want to see it in action:
Thus, the equation turns into EVE/DID = TALK/9999 and then to EVE*9999 = DID*TALK.
Now it is easy to write this as a constraint model. If we choose to model in Essence Prime, use Tailor[1] to generate a Minion[2] input file from it, and then use Minion to actually solve the problem, it is solved almost instantaneously. Thanks to these two great tools!
The model I used is the following:
find E : int(1..9)
find V : int(0..9)
find D : int(1..9)
find I : int(0..9)
find T : int(0..9)
find A : int(0..9)
find L : int(0..9)
find K : int(0..9)
such that
(E*100 + V*10 + E*1) * 9999 = (D*100 + I*10 + D*1) * (T*1000 + A*100 + L*10 + K*1),
If you have tailor and minion installed, just run the following commands to solve the problem.
java -jar tailor.jar -aux-info -out evedidtalk.minion evedidtalk.eprime
minion evedidtalk.minion -findallsolsIt only takes less than 1 sec (both commands together) to find all two possible solutions.
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